Methodist Church
Charlemont Road, West Bromwich, B71 3DU
Sunday Worship
Midweek Activities
See Below
Minister: Rev. Ruth Childs
Click here to find out more about Ruth and how to contact her
We are an inclusive church at the heart of the community. Whether it is at Sunday worship or at the monthly coffee mornings, which are supported by the community and other churches, there is a warm welcome for everyone, both young and old.
We also have midweek groups for all ages – Baby College and childminders for the very young, Boys’ Brigade, Rangers, Guides, Brownies and Rainbows for the up to 18s, and Ladies Circle and Crafty Ladies (craft group) for the not so young. There is also a local neighbourhood group as part of our church community. Alongside these groups, we host monthly meetings of the West Bromwich Cardiac Group, West Bromwich Trefoil Guild for ex Guide leaders, and a Wado Ryu Karate group.
We are always looking for new opportunities for Christian mission in our corner of West Bromwich.
We are registered with Sandwell MBC to conduct same-sex marriage in our church. All are welcome!
We usually use 'Singing the Faith' for worship although 'Hymns and Psalms' is also available. We have an organ and piano, but if the organist is unavailable we use a CD set for 'Singing the Faith'.