Christmas 2022
November 27th Advent Fellowship at 4pm in the church hall
December 4th Blue Christmas Service at 4pm.
An opportunity to remember and reflect that Christmas can be difficult for the bereaved, lonely and those struggling with other issues.
December 18th Carols and Christingle Service by Candlelight at 4pm
Christmas Day Worship at 10am
No service on New Year’s Day
Lea Brook
Methodist Church
Leabrook Road North, Wednesbury,
WS10 7LY
Sunday Worship
Midweek Activities
Wednesday Coffee Meeting
Place of Welcome and Warm Hub
Brownies, Rainbows and Guides
Minister: Rev. Ruth Childs
Click here to find out more about Ruth and how to contact her
Lea Brook’s usual worship time is 11am each Sunday with Zoom worship every other Tuesday. We have a Wednesday Coffee Morning at 10am to 1pm, which is also our Place of Welcome and is a Warm Hub. This includes carpet bowls, table games, textile crafts and a book club – and is also a place to meet people and keep warm during these difficult times. Rainbows, Brownies and Guides meet during the week. We extend a warm welcome to anyone who would like to join us or would like to find out more!
The Methodist fellowship has worshipped in the local area since 1842. The original Church building was built in 1848 and demolished in 1937. We worship in what was originally the Sunday School built in 1902. The church hall was built in 1968. The premises were refurbished and reopened after a burst water main caused major damage in 2018.
We have a rich history of engaging with the local community, with an archive detailing past Sunday School events and Pantomime performances etc. but we look to the future with new challenges and opportunities with a desire to serve the neighbourhood and beyond telling of Jesus and his love for all. We have, with the support of the circuit and local community leaders and businesses, provided support and accommodation for Ukrainians fleeing the atrocities that are being inflicted upon their homeland at this time. This has led to us establishing a connection with the Protopresbyter of The Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the UK, in order to best serve their spiritual needs.
We have keyboard and keyboard player available most Sundays. On the Sundays where our keyboard player is not available, we use a laptop. A projector and screen are also available. We use Hymns & Psalms or Singing the Faith, but other music can be used via the laptop.